Personal Injury

Providing expert, reliable legal services tailored to your needs, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and client satisfaction

Personal Injury

What Is Personal Injury?

The legal definition includes any injury that is sustained physically, mentally or emotionally by a person due to the negligent or intentional actions of another person or business entity. There are many different personal injury cases that can be brought to court, depending on the type of accident that took place and the extent of the victims’ injuries.

Common types of personal injury claims include:

Road traffic accidents
Ripping accidents
Work accidents
Assault claims, and product defect accidents (product liability).

The term personal injury also incorporates medical and dental accidents and conditions that are often classified as industrial disease cases. The term personal injury also incorporates medical and dental accidents and conditions that are often classified as industrial disease cases.

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Laporte Way, Luton, LU4 8EF
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